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Peter Martiensen

“I provide effective treatment which supports personal development in a safe, stimulating environment. My aim is to promote balance in life and health”

- Peter Martiensen

Peter has been a Homoeopathic Practitioner and  Massage Therapist for over 30 years.

He trained as a Homoeopath with the Australian Institute of Homoeopathy and as a Naturopath and Massage Therapist at the New South Wales College of Natural Therapies. He trained in Oncology Massage at the Quest for Life Centre in the Southern Highlands. Peter is also trained in Bowen Therapy and Counselling.

Currently Peter practices as a Homoeopath and Remedial Massage Therapist from his clinic in Katoomba, situated in the beautiful Blue Mountains outside of Sydney. He has previously had clinics in the Sydney CBD, Double Bay, Summer Hill, Parramatta, Maroubra and Newtown.


Peter is a professional member of the Australian Homoeopathic Association and of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.


Katoomba Homoepathy is a clinic dedicated to healing sickness and promoting healthy lifestyles.


What is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine for treating people based on the principle “Similia similibus curentur” i.e. “Like cures like.”

What does this mean? The “father of medicine”, Hippocrates first postulated that substances that could produce symptoms could also cure them. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy discovered that if a group of healthy people were exposed to a particular chemical, herb or toxin they produced a similar set of symptoms. If those same symptoms were presented by a patient, the disease state could be cured by a medicinal dose of the same substance.

Most common disease states have symptoms that are quite well defined, however there is often variation in the locality, character and severity of these symptoms; in fact no two disease states are  exactly the same. They vary from case to case, and are unique to that person. There are also differences in the mental and emotional states expressed by patients with the same 'disease'.

Using these guidelines a Homoeopathic Practitioner questions the patient carefully about their particular disease state and records the 'totality of symptoms'. The correct remedy is identified for that individual by finding a medicine with a symptom picture that corresponds most accurately with the 'totality of symptoms'. 

Homoeopathic treatment acts as a catalyst that prompts the natural healing systems of the body toward restoration, health and balance.

The idea of treating the patient as whole has come more to the fore in the last couple of decades, despite this, Western Medicine is becoming increasingly specialised. This has resulted in fewer patients having their whole symptom picture treated. Homoeopathy treats the whole person by taking into account the 'totality of symptoms' thereby individualising each prescription.

For more information please visit the professional associations below:

Aus Homoeopathic Assoc.png

History of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is a fully self-contained medical system developed in the 18th century by a German physician and chemist, Samuel Hahnemann.

Hahnemann trained as a physician in Leipzig, with little money, but able to speak eight languages. He used this ability to translate scientific articles to support himself until he qualified. Commencing his medical practice, he quickly became known as a distinguished physician. However, he was disenchanted at the way medicine was practiced and thought it largely ineffective for treating most ailments he encountered in his day to day work. Frustrated with this he returned to translating to support himself and his family.

During this work he came across a reference for the treatment of malaria by Cinchona bark, used because of its 'tonic' effect on the stomach. He thought this reference to be incorrect and decided to take some of the herb to see what the effects would be. This resulted in him developing similar symptoms to those of malaria which subsided when he ceased taking the herb. He thought this very interesting and discovered in old medical literature, that Hippocrates, and later Paracelsus, had stated that substances that produced symptoms could also cure them.

As time went by Hahnemann researched the effects that other substances had on the human body and found that they also produced 'symptoms'. These 'symptom pictures' were noted and systematically recorded. When these symptoms were noted in a person that was ill, this became the basis for a prescription . The result of this was that the illness was cured and a feeling of wellbeing re-established.

Over the next few years Hahnemann re-commenced his medical practice using these 'symptom pictures' as a guide to making prescriptions for members of the public who consulted him. This new method of treatment proved a great success particularly in the epidemics of Scarlet Fever and Cholera at the time. He continued experimenting with other remedies, meticulously recording the results and building up an extensive 'Materia Medica' as well as detailed results of treatments given.

This work was inspirational to some of the other practitioners of the day, who followed Hahnemann's work and treated their own patients using this new medical system. This contributed to the knowledge base and some of these practitioners also started 'proving' new remedies which added further valuable information. This work on proving new remedies continues to this day.

Thus Homoeopathy was developed from a scientific basis, with all remedies tested on humans.

"Homoeopathy is wholly capable of satisfying the therapeutic demands of this age better than any other system or school of medicine."

Dr. Charles Menninger M.D., Founder Menninger Clinic

"Homoeopathy .... cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment.  Homoeopathy is the latest and most refined method of treating patients economically and non violently."

Mahatama Gandhi

“I can't manage without homoeopathy.  I never go anywhere without homoeopathic remedies.  I often make use of them."

Paul McCartney

"Homoeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years."

Yehudi Menuhin, World famous violinist

“According to the “Journal of the American Medical Association”, medical treatment is the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States. Homoeopathy and Chinese medicine are two examples of possible alternative approaches to disease that do not treat the illness as an enemy and therefore do not create new diseases.”

Eckhardt Tolle - “A New Earth (Awakening to your Life’s Purpose)”

"I also turn to homeopathic remedies for the treatment of indigestion, travel sickness, insomnia and hay fever just to name a few. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural alternative that causes no side effects or drug interactions.”

Cindy Crawford

“The Royal family have huge resources and access to everything medicine has to offer, yet they choose homeopathy,” explains Roberts. “I thought, 'Why would they use it if it doesn’t work?’”

“I’ve been coming here since I was 16. It’s been a long relationship. Every time I have a problem he always gives me good advice and treatments.”

Rachel Roberts, chief executive of the Homeopathy Research Institute

Usain Bolt, on being treated by his Munich-based German sports doctor Hans-Wilheim Muller-Wohifahrt

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